How To Get A Record Deal

How To Get A Record Deal  

How To Get A Record Deal

 Record Deal - So you want to learn How To Get A Record Deal.  You’ve got the voice.  Your lyrics are a killer – it’s like they come from your heart.  You have no doubt that you are getting into the music industry and when the right people notice you, you will definitely be a game changer.  

Well, you may have all it takes, but many promising artists with everything it takes to be music icons in the rap game lose out and fizzle to oblivion because they fail to get record deals.  Believe me, you do not want to end up in this path.  

Just by the fact that you are reading this, it means you have taken initiative to find out what it takes to be signed to a record label and have a company make your dreams true.  I think I have the information you need to get you started on the right path.  Read on to find out. 

Buzz is essential 

New entrants in any industry, especially in the music industry, never go far unless they Generate a Buzz.  This buzz is a natural act that stimulates interest in the community because so many people can relate to it.  As a musician, generating a buzz is not easy.  

You will have to go that extra mile to promote yourself as a product in person and digitally.  You will need to know how to make people interested in you as a person just as much as they are in your music. 

Many artists who have made it in the music scene started off dancing in pavements and caught the eyes of people that helped them go to the next step.  As an upcoming artiste, you will have to make a name for yourself in clubs, in concerts and performances, in your place of study or at work.  

Generating a buzz is a lot easier in this digital age too.  Go online in social sites and make people notice that you have something new – something that every other artist struggling to be noticed doesn’t. Having a big buzz around your name & music can help you get a record deal that much quicker. 

Be your music, have your style 

Just because Jay Z is your music icon doesn’t mean having a style exactly like his will take you places as high as his took him.  People appreciate artistes who are creative and have a style of their own more than copy cats.  

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong borrowing one or two things from successful musicians, but you have to offer something new to your fans and the audience that has not noticed you yet.  

For this, your concept of music should be unique and must relate to the target audience. 



Getting started is tough 

Unless you were born very very lucky, you will not have it easy getting noticed.  Record producers, successful artists and scouts are often intrigued by something you would not expect.  Even if you are in the game for years, playing in clubs and curtain raising in concerts but have not been noticed yet, it doesn’t mean you should give up.  What is important is that you push the envelope when it comes to coming up with new stuff and always have your demo tapes ready for you never know when someone that matters will come along. 

Reach a worldwide audience 

As I mentioned before, you need to promote your talent in every possible way if you are looking to get a record deal.  

Promoting your music on social sites such as Facebook and YouTube not only helps you reach a wider base audience, it also helps you receive more honest constructive criticism than you would get from friends and people you perform for live.  

Having a Youtube channel and promoting your tracks on other music sites – not necessarily to sell – may be just what you need.

One great way to reach a world wide audience is by having a Distrokid Account. Distrokid distributes your songs to ITunes, Rhapsody, Spotify, Emusic, Amazon, & more! The good thing is that signing up is easy.  You can sign up easily by clicking here ===>Distrokid Distrokid is a MUST HAVE for any SERIOUS music artist. 

Get the best beats 

Hot Rap Beats will get you noticed.  

In this regard, I could recommend you check out sites that sell beats to upcoming artists at very affordable price such as 

When your beats are sick, and you know you have a killer voice and a unique style, you may get noticed sooner than you expect.  

The important thing is to buy your beats from the right place, there is nothing worse than being noticed and just as your career is getting started, someone claims your beats were stolen from them. 

Lastly, be daring and take your demo  to any producers or scouts you can reach.  The costs of producing quality copies today is a lot less than it used to be and you can email & distribute to prospective people of influence. 

Thank you for visiting my blog. 

Good luck to you. 

Hip Hop Beats For Sale